Dean for America Press Office: No Deal Was Ever Offered To Clark

Statement from Dean for America Communications Director Tricia Enright:
"While it's flattering that the Clark campaign has spent the past two days doing nothing but trying to prove that Governor Dean offered General Clark a Vice-Presidential slot, saying something 100 times doesn't make it true and this isn't."
What's going on here with this Clark strategy? Too me, it smacks of a reality check for them resulting in a little re-positioning. What do YOU think?

Crossposted at DeanTV.

Happy Holidays and Safe Travels to All! --Heath

UPDATE (Aziz) : Just wanted to point out Trippi's perspective, via the CNN story on this issue:

Trippi, who said Dean and Clark had "a great relationship," said he thought the issue had been discussed in a separate meeting.

"In the meeting I was in, the governor told him that if he wanted to be president of the United States, the general should run for president of the United States," he said.

The issue may be moot anyway. Clark said in his interview that he didn't see the vice presidency "in the cards," and Trippi said the Dean campaign has not been considering the matter.

"Look, we haven't won Iowa or New Hampshire, a vote hasn't been cast," Trippi said. "And particularly back in the period he was talking about, we were still an asterisk in most of the polls.

"So to be talking to anybody about being vice president doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It doesn't make sense now."


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