Tweety Mathews picks Dean *shudder*

Chris Mathews: Love him or hate him? Usually it's a combination of both. I'm either impressed with Tweety's ability to spin like a top, or I'm tossing a shoe at my television because he's popped off and said something stupid. I guess there's no middle ground with that guy. Anyway, he spoke at Brown University yesterday and had some interesting things to say about our man Howard Dean:
Matthews acknowledged that his personal favorite in the race is Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who many see as the Democratic front-runner. "He came out of Vermont, a small state, with no foreign policy experience and with sheer guts he believed in one big idea and that big idea was: 'It was wrong to go around to the other side of the world to fight a war.'"

See, sometimes he's pretty good. But then he opens his mouth again:
The problem for Dean, the former aide to House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill of Massachusetts, Matthews said, is the American people have to decide, "do you put a lefty in at a time of crisis?"

*Anna banging her head against a wall* But when he's on, he's on:
"Cheney is behind it all. The whole neo-conservative power vortex, it all goes through his office. He has become the chief executive. He's not the chief operating officer, he's running the place. It's scary.... The ideologues started circling around the president. They saw a man who never read any books, who didn't think too deeply and they gave him something to think about for the first time in his life. This thing called pre-emption, the Bush Doctrine. They put it in his head and said 'Iraq, Iraq, Iraq.'"

Should we be grateful, scared, simply puzzled, or something else?


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