From the campaign...


AUGUST 24, 2003


NEW YORK -- As Governor Howard Dean, Democratic candidate for President, prepares to descend into New York for a massive rally on Tuesday at Bryant Park at 9pm, U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) is joining Governor Dean's campaign to win the White House, the campaign announced today.

Said Rep. Nadler, "I have decided to support Governor Dean because I believe he is the Democrat with the best chance of defeating George Bush. Howard Dean is motivating huge numbers of Democrats to re-engage in the political process -- Democrats frustrated by the backwards policies of the Bush Administration and angered by the failure of parts of our party to lead in opposing those policies and in promoting a progressive Democratic vision for our country. He is also bringing thousands of new voters into the process -- people who have never taken any political action. Howard Dean will revive our economy, create new jobs again, and provide affordable health care to all.

"Howard Dean will restore intelligent priorities in protecting our national security. He will fund critical security needs, from buying nuclear bomb materials from Russia before they can be smuggled to Al Qaeda, to inspecting shipping containers before they enter our ports. Howard Dean can be depended on to protect our civil rights and civil liberties and to ensure equal rights for all Americans.

"But most importantly, I am convinced that Howard Dean is the candidate with the best chance to restore decent government to our country by defeating George Bush in next year's election."

Governor Dean said, "I am thrilled to have someone as bright and influential as Congressman Nadler join my campaign. Congressman Nadler is one of the most recognizable and respected figures in New York, and has been a long time champion for the state. As the Ranking Democrat on the Constitution Subcommittee, Congressman Nadler's deep commitment to protecting our Civil Liberties and Constitution is unquestioned. Congressman Nadler's knowledge of and innovative ideas on transportation issues will be a tremendous asset to this campaign.

"After September 11th, Congressman Nadler worked tirelessly for his constituents who were most impacted by the fall of the World Trade Center, which was in his district, and his proposals to increase the security of this nation have been ahead of the curve. Congressman Nadler will be an important member of my campaign, and I look forward to working with him as we seek a restoration of honesty, integrity, and compassion in the White House and take this country back."

Rep. Nadler has served in the U.S. Congress since 1992. He represents the 8th Congressional District of New York, which includes parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
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UPDATE (Aziz): Rep. Nadler has been a strong critic of Bush with regard to the EPA's false claims about air quality in New York City after 9-11.


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