Katrina vanden Heuvel: Dean's Forward Thinking
Below is the text of an article by Katrina vanden Heuvel of The Nation . She had a nice review of Dean's latest book, You Have The Power . I Just thought going into these last few days of this election that it was a nice reminder to all of us that we should be proud of the work we have done through Dean for Kerry, the left and the DLC: Enjoying the BACKBONE gang? Of course, there's still a lot of work to do yet to get rid of Bush, if it really is possible. Still, Dean is right that a Kerry win is simply a stopgap for the twisted Bush effort. (I mean, to have my patriotism questioned by people who are now working hard and proudly to suppress and deny people their right to vote in anticipation of a massive turnout? How American is that? As American as apple pie, I suppose, in the minds of Tom Delay's busloads of angry mobs ready to terrorize Floridians again in the name of democracy.)
Good Luck to all of us next Tuesday, but really, the fight kind of begins for us the nex...