Colin Powell: an Obama Republican?

Interesting comments by Colin Powell:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who served under President Bush, said Friday he may not back the GOP presidential nominee in November, telling CNN that "I am keeping my options open at the moment."

Powell also offered praise for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, calling him an "exciting person on the political stage.

"He has energized a lot of people in America," said Powell, who briefly weighed his own run for the White House in the mid-1990s. "He has energized a lot of people around the world. And so I think he is worth listening to and seeing what he stands for."

One of the singular themes in Obama's run has been the unifying message he brings to close the partisan divide - something he rightly acknowledged Reagan was able to do (and got slammed for it by Clinton, let it be noted).

Now here comes Colin Powell, who almost ran against Bill Clinton but then bowed out (leaving the GOP with Bob Dole). Powell might well have been Obama had he run. It's a shame that he's destroyed his reputation by association with the Bush Administration and the Iraq war, but I think he still commands a residual of respect, and if he were to endorse Obama that would I think be massively significant.

It's worth noting how Powell distanced himself from endorsing the GOP nominee as well. Where Colin goes, others will follow.


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