
I couldn't resist highlighting this one.

John McCain will create 20 million new Democrats by jackbenimble

The damage to conservatism of a McCain win will be irreversible.

We can't just keep importing poor, ignorant people from the third world and expecting them to vote anything but Democrats and socialism. Poor ignoarnat people ALWAYS vote for socialism.

Prior to the Reagan Amnesty California had voted Republican in 9 out of the 10 prior elections. The Reagan Amensty turned California irreversibly blue and the McCain Amnesty will be 6 to 10 times larger. We can't lose anymore Red States and expect conservatism to ever win again.

A win by John McCain would be a tactical victory and a strategic loss that would doom conservatism. I'd rather have a tactical loss and have conservatism survice to fight another day.

What do rich "ignoarnat" people ALWAYS vote for, then?


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