Huck not to be, Fred's dead...

Mick Huckabee doesn't have enough money to play in Florida:

"The money simply hasn't come in at the rate that we expected," says the [Huckabee Campaign] aide. "Florida is a $7 million commitment that we can't meet, and if we did, that leaves us exposed for Super Tuesday, where we have a lot of states and a lot media buys. We had to make tough decisions."

With Fred! out of the campaign today, that leaves Florida as a three-way race between McCain, Rudy, and Romney. No matter how the votes break, this doesn't look good for Rudy. Huckabee's socon support is going to switch to either Romney or McCain, deprived of the Fred option as they are. And it's doubtful that everyone supporting Fred is going to go the Rudy route. It's much more likely now that McCain takes Florida and that Rudy drops out before MegaTuesday.

I think that by the time we hit February the GOP nomination will be a two-person race between Romney and McCain, and I'm pretty sure that McCain is going to have the edge.


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