NIE News Roundup

I suppose it is somewhat old news by now, but the consensus of all our intelligence agencies is that Iran is not actively pursuing a nuclear weapons program. I'm not interested in the domestic political dimension as to what this means for the Bush Administrations rhetoric on Iran. What interests me more is the geopolitical issue of what this means for actual policy regarding Iran.

Some of the better analysis on the issue from the VSP follows:

Michael Rubin raises some questions about the implications of the NIE.

A USA Today editorial points out three good implications of the NIE.

Michael Cohen of Democracy Arsenal puts the NIE in perspective.

Abu Aardvark points out that Iran is pursuing economic and diplmatic ties with its Sunni Arab neighbors.

all in all, though, the position that Iran is a rational actor, and not an imminent existential nuclear threat to Israel let alone the United States, has been thoroughly vindicated by the NIE.


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