Hillary is Gore

It's 2000 all over again, and this time it's blogs who are the mainstream media (though the mainstream media is also the mainstream media). Case in point: Kos takes Hillary to task!

Hillary said she paid a tip but actually the waitress says she didn't even though the manager says she did and the campaign she did but now there's questions about her TRUTHFULNESS and lol OMFG HILLARY"S WEBSITE HASN'T UPDATED WITH THIS!!

I am paraphrasing somewhat.

Why are the liberal netroots so eager to buy into the bogus frames and smears of the right? As far as I can see it's because it's just too tempting not to pile on.

Fundamentally, Hillary's crime is not sharing the dogma about Iraq withdrawal. And because of that, every smear on the right is going to get serious traction on the left.

This is dangerous brinksmanship. If Hillary beats Rudy, it will be in spite of teh netroots, not because of it. If she loses, then the netroots become the Green Party circa 2000: purists instead of pragmatists.

It's pathetic that the netroots, which claim to be the voice of the grassroots mainstream, are so ready to accept Establishment tactics, whereas the actual voice of the people cuts straight through the bogosity:

You people are really nuts. There's kids dying in the war, the price of oil right now — there's better things in this world to be thinking about than who served Hillary Clinton at Maid-Rite and who got a tip and who didn't get a tip.

Indeed. But the blame on "you people" isn't just Chris Matthews or Kit Seelye anymore, is it?

UPDATE: I wish I could say that Kevin Drum comments, but he doesn't. Bob Somerby's critique of Kevin/Josh suddenly seems a lot more cogent.


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