'Show me the Peace Plan'

Cross posting a comment I made at Daily Kos:

Lack of march towards peace hurts Israel, IMO

It seems to me that it isn't in Israel's economic interests to be locked down in a constant state of turmoil over what is 1-2% of the land that they couldn't agree upon (besides Jerusalem, the right of return, and a few other details) with the Palestinians, the last time they had negotiations?

Wouldn't Israel benefit from resolving the I/P matter once and for all and attempting to reign in peace in the region and in that process finding more friends around the world (people and nation states), and advancing itself economically and in other constructively positive ways?

I think that some of our better leaders need to put their foot down and demand for making progress towards peace in the region, and oppose an escalation of hostility, or worse yet, an extension of the extreme bloodshed we have seen in in the Iraq engagement and quagmire.

Yes, nonsensical rhetoric from Iranian president is provocative and unproductive (and perhaps chilling), and I'd also not like to see Iran possess nuclear weapons (although, should they at some point become a more responsible and a more democratic nation, then they'd have as much legitimacy as anyone else to possess nuclear weapons), but the heart of the whole conflict is and will remain to be, the I/P conflict, which must be resolved if we seek peace in the region as well as world at large. Peace in the middle east and the resolution of the I/P conflict should be forced on to the center stage for the 2008 presidential election.

I call it the "Show me the Peace Plan" campaign.

The 21st century should be about peace and progress (and addressing the climate crisis before it's too late), not bloodshed and mayhem. Let's the follow the lead of the late PM Rabin, seek peace, and reject war mongering.


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