on Robert Gates as SecDef

Kos takes a swipe at Rummy's replacement. My comment:

lets not spit in our own drinks. Bob Gates is actually on the Baker Hamilton commission, so that speaks well for a return to realism rather than neocon idealism.

is there ANY govt official who isnt tainted in some way? Who would you prefer that a **republican** administration appoint to secdef? it sure aint gonna be gary hart. If there are no acceptable candidates then why even make this critique? Is it spite?

"Gates was close to many figures" - so what? what does that even mean? Do we want "close to many figures" to be the new litmust test? Unless there was some evidence - and there may well be, for all I know - that Gates was directly involved in some illegal conspiracy then we shoudlnt be so eager to tar and feather.

I for one woudl rather praise the admin for doing sommething right with respect to the war than piling on no matter what. We stiull have our troops in the theater over there. If Gates as secdef means less of their lives are wasted, then we shoudl cheer.



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