
From reading RedState, one might conclude that the left-sphere is somehow silent on the matter of the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

Are we at Nation-Building blog silent?

Belgravia Dispatch?

Abu Aardvark?

American Footprints?

Juan Cole?

Balloon Juice (Tim, at least)?

There were even a trio of diaries (nicely summarized by Bill White of Tacitus) at DailyKos that made it to the recommended list - one by yours truly.

I know it pains some to hear to the following, but Yglesias, Drum, and the front page of DailyKos are not the sum total of the lefty blogsphere.

The posts linked above represent a deep swath of serious analysis of the issue, and I sincerely hope that conservatives will take the time to visit them and see for themselves what liberals really are saying about the issue.


John Emerson said…
Belgravia and Balloon Juice are only left of center because they occasionally disagree with the zombie right.

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