humanitarian crisis looming in Gaza

This is not good for regional stability. As usual it is the ordinary citizens of Gaza who suffer for the grand designs of those on both sides of the conflict who control their destinies:

Relief organizations in the Gaza Strip warned of an impending humanitarian crisis Tuesday, with basic supplies dwindling as a result of border closures and military operations.

Closed road links and damage to the infrastructure have led to major shortages of basic supplies such as food, water and medicine, United Nations and other nongovernmental organizations said.

Electrical outages have become common since the IAF bombed Gaza's main power plant on June 28. Hospitals, water utilities and sewage treatment plants are now dependent on generators, for which spare parts are not readily available. This has created a high demand for fuel, according to the UN's Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The power outages mean basic foodstuffs often can't be processed and perishables can't be refrigerated.

There's a lot more in the article about efforts being made to get aid to Gaza. Still, families are only eating one meal a day, with 85% of Gazans dependent on handouts for food.

As Greg D says:

To midwife democracy, you don't only need elections, but also sustainable civil society and governance structures, none of which are easily developed in the face of collective punishment techniques.

As things stand in Gaza, the only crop it yields will be more anger and hopelessness - perfect soil for the roots of rage.


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