The Great Uniter

I'd cross-posted my Euston Manifesto praise below to a diary at DailyKos - which attracted all of two comments. As far as I know it's still the sole diary on the topic, which is kind of remarkable if you think about it.

The Euston Manifesto is being trashed a bit - see for example this thread at EuroTrib and this rather ad-hominem attack at Crooked Timber. Interestingly, RedState praised my diary:

Praise for dKos. No, really. [Moe Lane]
I note with some pleasure this diary entry praising the Euston Manifesto (my thoughts on said Manifesto here). It is good to see individuals inside sites such as Daily Kos finally take any sort of stand against real tyranny and oppression; and may this diary entry be a harbinger of the day when we can count that site as being fully in the ranks of the Decent Left.
Posted at 04/15/2006 11:15:53 PM EST

Which I suppose does the Manifesto no favors. I am however sure that the Decent Left, when it arises, will be equally anxious to be joined by a Decent Right.

The truth is that like cell mitosis, the threads of American politics are being pulled inexorably apart towards the extremes. Any attempt at formulating a policy based on actual principle - and letting those principles inform policy positions, rather than teh other way around - is seen as heresy. I can't fathom the hostility from the liberal/progressive quarters above towards the Manifesto, unless they perceive it as an attack upon their turf. The true threat to both sides, each so heavily invested in the 51% Strategy, is that a true American Majority might arise and banish them to the political hinterlands.

That time is coming.


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