The Dread Justice Roberts

After all, who would surrender to the Dread Pirate Edith?

I think it's premature for this. The best thing we could hope for is for a normal, sane human being to be appointed to government, especially since this appointment doesn't affect Roe vs Wade. I think the best attitude to take is as follows:

I'm willing to hear the guy out. We're not going to get a Ginsburg, but I'd be happy with an O'Connor-style moderate conservative. For all we know (and for all the religious-right knows), Roberts might be that sort of guy.

But he has to be honest and forthcoming, unlike his previous confirmation hearing. The Senate must take its time deliberating over the nomination. And this is something that all sides should want, not just ours. For all the right wing knows, this guy may be the next Souter who simply pretended to be virulently anti-privacy.

As Roberts answers all questions posed, we can then decide whether it's worth opposing or not.

And the importance of giving Roberts a genuinely thorough confirmation hearing can not be over-emphasised. This isn't a political appointee who serves at the request of the President. This is a lifetime appointment to the third Branch of government. The President gets no free pass on this, but neither should Roberts be vilified without any reason.

Also see Jeralyn's comments at Talk Left and Armando's follow-up post.


David said…
Justice Roberts is as sane as can be.
I have a question for you: Why did the Senate vote unanimously for Roberts to be appointed to the DC district court? And now some have changed their minds seeing how he could reverse Roe v. Wade, the un-Constitutionally based piece of litigation.
Anonymous said…
Howard Dean discussed Roberts in his interview on Hannity and Colmes yesterday. I know--Fox News--yuck. I watched it so you don't have to (click my name for the transcript.

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