veto time is long past

I've stopped participating at RedState for the time being - here's the thread that really made me realize that for all the rhetoric about honest debate, you're either with them or against them, and the posting rules are selectively appplied accordingly. However, the new RedHot section is really quite good, and far better than the NRO Corner which it is loosely modeled after.

A comment by Doverspa there got my attention - he writes:

Veto time [Doverspa]
The President should veto the Transportation Bill even if it is overriden. And it shouldn't be the last thing he vetoes. Spending needs to be checked and the President should take the lead.
Posted at 05/17/2005 05:45:53 PM EST

When was the last time the President vetoed anything? And I think that the President's signature on the Medicare "reform" bill - the most egregious example of corporate welfare I've seen in my lifetime - should have long since put to rest the idea that the modern Republican party has any intention of taking the lead in cutting spending. I'm not a knee jerk fiscal conservative; I'm a pragmatic one. On the wole, I'd prefer the government tax and spend rather than borrow and spend. Someday soon, the remaining true fiscal conservatives like Doverspa in the GOP will wake up and realize that some variant of PAYGO will be needed to return to a sane fiscal policy. I just hope that day comes before, not after, the asian bloc gets tired of subsidizing our debt.


Doverspa said…
Interesting. You do realize that the whole conservative movement opposed the Medicare Bill. The only Republican no votes were from Chafee (who wanted more pork) and a bunch of hard-core right wingers.

That bill didn't need vetoed. Many supporters would have voted no by conscience but feel in line behind the President's proposal.

I can only hope that the administration has the same sway on some pro-market reform such as voluntary PRAs.

FWIW, I am wide awake about the fact the administration is not dedicated to small government. I am also awake to the fact that no other party is offering that as an option either. But it's like gay marriage supporters; no one agrees with you right now, but you have a good idea of which party is going to come to your view sooner.

I'm hoping the next President is more committed to Reagan-style economics. My contenders are Govs. Bush (FL), Owens (CO), Pawlenty (MN), and Sanford (SC). If Dems would like to nominate someone with those creds, might I recommend Gov. Bredesen (TN). Senator Clinton's Hillary-Care does not inspire confidence in any small government types that we are welcome in the Dems "big tent." Not saying she can't win; she'll just have to do it without my vote.
Doverspa said…
Oh and by the way, the President has not vetoed a single bill as President. He was the first (since Washington?) to make it through a term without a veto.

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