Stop activist judges!

Such as Priscilla Owen. Below the fold is what the editorial pages of the major Texas newspapers had to say about her record.


"[O]wen is so conservative that she places herself out of the broad mainstream of jurisprudence. She seems all too willing to bend the law to fit her views, rather than the reverse." (Austin-American Statesman, 4/29/03)

"Owen's judicial record shows less interest in impartially interpreting the law than in pushing an agenda...a justice who has shown a clear preference for ruling to achieve a particular result rather than impartially interpreting the law. Anyone willing to look objectively at Owen's record would be hard-pressed to deny that." (The Houston Chronicle, 5/12/03)

"Once competency is established, the most important qualification for a judge is commitment to following the law as it is written - regardless of personal philosophy. Justice Priscilla Owen is clearly competent, but her record demonstrates a results-oriented streak that belies supporters' claims that she strictly follows the law...The Senate should not block a judicial nominee simply because he or she is more conservative or more liberal than the Senate's majority party. It also should not engage in petty personal attacks. But concerns about Owen go to the heart of what makes a good judge...When a nominee has demonstrated a propensity to spin the law to fit philosophical beliefs, it is the Senate's right - and duty - to reject that nominee." (San Antonio Express, 7/21/02)

(via Kos)


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