Saudia Arabia Latest

Dan Drezner says that reform there is happening but slow.

John Burgess has a long post about Ahmed Omar Abu Ali. He says that the Saudi government has undertaken education reforms and that it doesn't logically follow that his school was the cause of his (at this point, still alleged) embrace of terrorism.

Osama Bin Laden's half-brother Yeslam got his trademark back.

Saudi lawyer Mohsen al-Awajy says that extremists have a secret media network by which they keep track of the deaths of Saudis who are fighting in Iraq.

Another AP article says that up to 2,500 Saudis have gone to fight in Iraq because it is easier than fighting at home. Many of them are going through Syria because it's not hard to get visas. There's a lot more detail in the piece, so check it out.


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