confession: Hillary '08 could be cool

I have to admit, that a Hillary Clinton run in 2008 looks really appealing to me. Part of it is that I'm fascinated by her life story. Another is that she isn't the knee-jerk liberal that she's been made out to be - much like Dean. Her positions on immigration for example are well to the right of President Bush in some aspects. She is a true student of law and an intellectual in her own right, yet she doesn't seem to have forgotten her lower-middle-class roots. A Dean vs Hillary primary would be enormous fun, too. I reject the argument that Hillary is a divisive figure - given her immigration stand she could well be a crossover candidate, and as such represents a truly Purple alternative to Blue stalwarts like Gore or Kerry.

And of course if she is followed by George P, and he is followed by Chelsea, we could have the whole Bush - Clinton - Clinton - Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton - Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton thing going on, which would be hilarious for sixth graders in 2074. Assuming the Republic still stands.

UPDATE: Like Chris, I am just baffled by the Hillary hatred on the left.


Vigilante said…
Clinton & Kerry Compared:Important comparisons made here.

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