Media for Purple Folk?

In my previous post, I did a quick and shallow review of conservative talk radio as I left Chicago for the holidays. As an update to that post, I should probably concede that I was harder on Michael Medved than I should have been. I caught another show before turning in the rental car and enjoyed it immensely. He was discussing Iraq with an intellectual who was calling for the United States to withdraw from the Middle East and provide massive reparations to the Iraqi people for "breaking their country". Despite the wide ideological gulf between Medved and the professor, he was civil and asked some good pointed questions. The professor was a much better guest than the guest on the previous show I complained about and was able (IMHO) to explain and defend his position relatively well. I was enjoying the show immensely and I was disappointed that I had to have the car back to Hertz before the show was finished.

For purple staters, I'd recommend Medved on this basis. I felt like I received a good look at both sides of the issues without all the snark or insults. Does anyone have any similar recommendations for talk show hosts (radio and otherwise) that would appeal to people interested in the merits of the debate and not who can scream louder?


Aziz P. said…
Actually, I admit to greatly enjoying Michael Savage. I know he can be a total buffoon at times, but at others he is a fascinating and even stimulating host. And truth be told, despite his hyper-conservative take on it, his main point about "borders, language, culture" is an important one. I interpret it as advice to an immigrant communityt in preserving their culture while remaining fully engaged and assimilated into their host nation rather than as a defensive nationalistic posture the way he does, but it certainly is touching on something universal with respect to how we humans define our communities.

If youre willing to overlook his fits and bouts of insanity, Savage can be a very enjoyable listen.
Aziz P. said…
agreed, that would fit into the "insanity" I mentioned. I am NOT defending Savage, Im just saying he sometimes can be articulate in between fits of raving lunacy. And those articulate moments are quite compelling at times.

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