Administrative notes

Some new rules in town, especially with regard to comments. Read on..

We now have two different types of comment systems:

* The Daily Open Threads are a free for all, anyone may post there, even anonymous users. No moderation will be performed whatsoever, it's a pure Darwinian environment.

* The Discussion threads attached to each post require registration with Blogger. No partisan insults, personal attacks, or other kinds of disrespect. No stereotypes of red staters or denigrations of President Bush. Basically, these comment threads are for an elevated tone and a serious debate. I will be deleting comments without warning to enforce this.

Note that registration with Blogger has the side benefits of automatically giving you your own blog! Any Dean Nation regular who registers to post comments and then starts blogging will be listed on request in a dedicated blogroll on the Dean Nation front page.

I can't think of any other blog that has a dual-comment system like the one we are experimenting with here. Let's see how that experiment runs. I think it will be very rewarding. My sincere desire is for the Discussion threads to become a true ideal of rational debate and dialog, beyond the narrow slice of moderate left. Respectful disagreement is the hallmark of success.

UPDATE: Pleaseleave any comments about the site layout, problems, etc here or in the open threads, I will try to tweak the site so its more pleasing to the eye and easier to read. Give me feedback!


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