Kerry Edwards 2004

we are so going to kick Bush's ass in November. And I cannot wait for the veep debates!

The Right got taken in by the Gephardt feint, but they have feared Edwards all along:

Another GOP strategist fears Edwards for these intriguing reeasons, the first of which wouldn't have occured to me: 1) competition always makes candidates better, and Kerry will feel pushed to hone his campaign skills, to the extent it is possible, to try keep up with Edwards; 2) Edwards is able to connect with a "K-mart crowd" much better than the aloof Kerry; 3) Edwards comes off as optimistic and cheerful (even if his primary-campaign message was downbeat), and whatever can be done to make the Democratic ticket seem less dour, in all senses, helps Kerry. For what it's worth...

The real question is, will Dean mount a Bradley-style insurgency against Edwards for the 2012 nomination?


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