Why I cannot hate George W. Bush

By request from Joe on the Zonkboard, here's a link to my entry on UNMEDIA discussing why I do not hate George W. Bush. I do, however, think that Bush has been possibly teh worst president since McKinney and easily the most damaging to the national security of this nation, and that he is grossly unqualified to hold office. The legacy of the Bush Administration will be a millstone borne around the neck of future generations and administrations, Republican and Democrat alike. George W. Bush is a poor leader, a weak leader, and a failed leader, whose single most compelling argument for being elected - being a uniter, not a divider - has been grotesquely Bizzarro-esque. And while I do not hate George W. Bush, I am deeply angry with him for failing to live up to the promise and my expectations of him during that short period of time after 9-11 when he really was a rallying figure for all of us, and we the People granted him enormous political capital hoping that he would use it wisely. INstead he has trown sop after sop to eth extremists domestically and surrendered all control of foreign policy to an untested group of ideolouges. I don't even disagree with some of the larger aims of the foreign policy as stated, but in their implementation has been revealed an incompetence that in the post-9-11 world is utterly unforgivable.

I do not hate George W. Bush, who I think is a fine human being and a decent man. But he is the worst leader this country could have had at the critical moment of history when we needed a great one. His place in history is indeed secure.


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