Nader's Nadir

Jerome Armstrong declares Nader toast:

It is over for Nader. I will personally be stunned if he makes the ballot in twelve states. He does not have the money for a limited national advertising drive like he had in 2000. There will be no Nader "super-rallies" like in 2000, where he regularly drew crowds exceeding 10,000 people. He has no party support. He has nothing.

From now on, no poll that includes Nader should be taken seriously. Libertarian + Constitution now probably poses a larger threat to Bush than Nader + Cobb poses for Kerry. It is time for everyone in the Democratic Blogosphere to relax their sphincters and allow their blood pressure to drop. It is time we started paying Nader the attention he deserves in this campaign--none. To continue complaining about him would border on mental illness.

Head over to myDD by clicking the link above to read why (I won't spoil the delicious details for you here).

And good for the Green party, who are finally free of the self-destructive taint of association with Crazy Ralph. The Green party, as has been noted elsewhere, often does very well in electing lower-office officials who are principled and fight for progressive causes on principle. The Greens have a role to play in our politics and can do the most good at the state and local levels. I should really considering kicking some money their way...


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