the first Black President

check out this Obama for Illinois campaign ad, and tell me if you don't agree that you're seeing the future First Black President of the United States.

However, Obama faces some difficult challenges ahead, in triangulating between the demands of his base and the broader Democratic electorate. The Black Commentator magazine has a provocative piece that asks whether Obama will fall to the influence of the DLC and Al From - whom we Deaniacs know to have been instrumental in derailing the populist message of the Dean campaign.

Note that Obama was among the first Dean Dozen endorsed by Democracy for America - and that Dean himself has pledged to campaign for Obama in Illinois. The New Democrat Network also has Obama on it's watch list of rising stars.

However, the best prognostic indcator of where Obama stands is in comparison to another modern-day Illinois politician - Paul Simon. Simon was beloved across the aisle, a populist liberal with a libertarian streak - and a fiscal conservative. Obama himself has stated that he follows the Paul Simon mold, on which I think we Howard Dean fans find familiar.

As the BC article notes, there are many voices whispering in Barack Obama's ear right now.


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