Support Martin Frost for TX-CD32

Bill Scher (who will be on Air America Radio tonight) points out another example of Dean's legacy on politics - and Kerry's campaign

Earlier this week, the NY Times reported that a major Silicon Valley businessman, a Dem donor, is turning his back on Kerry and the Dems this year.

Why? Because the Dem position to minimize the outsourcing of American jobs would hurt his bottom line.

What you don't hear right now is the giant sucking sound of Dems kissing this guy's ass.

Because Kerry is raising so much money from the grassroots, he doesn't have to kow-tow to this rich guy's concerns.

That means the $100 Revolution is working.

I am genuinely conflicted about this. The only way to blunt the influence of the special interests is to keep the $100 Revolution alive. But I also feel that there isn't enough transparency - nor influence - over the way the money is spent for me to be as comfortable giving money to an establishment Democrat.

I think that the best way to proceed is to continue donating money - the only currency which the grassroots have, since our vote is essentially a given - to Democratic candidates. In the oipen thread earlier this week, several names were suggested but no consensus, as to whom we should support. I've somewhat arbitrarily chosen Martin Frost, who seeks re-election in TX-CD32 despite the redistricting obscenity of Tom Delay. I'll let Anna fill us in on more about Frost (note: Frost is not a Blogads contributor to Dean Nation).

Click the link above to donate to Frost's campaign - and add $.44 to your donation so his campaign knows it is from Dean Nation! And let's start to rebuild our influence and keep Dean's legacy alive.


UPDATE: The Frost campaign responds immediately!


Thank you for contacting us and for your support. I eagerly anticipate the $0.44 mark coming across my monitor.

Thanks again for your support. Together we will win!

Jess Fassler, Campaign Manager
Martin Frost Campaign


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