The Prophet

The press and public are finally waking up to what Howard Dean said in his first major speech.

The issue of our time is Iraq.

It's not about the War on Terrorism. It's not about 9/11. It's about how the necessary war was hijacked in the name of an unnecessary one.

We can shout "Remember the Alamo" all we want. Iraqis may well say, "Remember Fallujah."

Republicans can say all they want, "Would you rather have Saddam Hussein in power?" We can now reply, "We would much rather have Bin Laden dead, Al Qaeda destroyed and radical Islam in retreat," knowing the vast majority of our countrymen will nod in agreement.

John Kerry has not yet figured out how to use that opening in opinion to "close the deal" and win this election.

Here's a suggestion. Just start your acceptance speech with four little words...What I wanna know.


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