The Iraq Generation

If you want to know what's happening in Iraq the best source is probably Juan Cole.

Cole, a professor at the University of Michigan specializing in South Asia, is a columnist, a "go-to guy" for talk shows when they cover the subject, and a very good blogger.

Today I especially want to point you to one paragraph in a recent post, almost a throwaway line. But if it doesn't chill you to the bone, you can't be chilled:

One aspect of the bad news at this and another hearing was covered by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (i.e. it is on the ball)-- which is the wide agreement that the US is stuck in Iraq militarily for at least 5 years, and can't expect really substantial help from allies. I personally thing it is even worse than that. I have said I think this generation of young Americans will be the Iraq generation.

I boldfaced that last because it's so important. If we are stuck in Iraq for a generation, I don't think we can win. I think we'll be bled to death, and the future will belong to China or India. A generation in Iraq will be the end of America as a great power.

Howard Dean said repeatedly during the campaign that we can't bug out. We broke it, we have to fix it. But if it can't be fixed (and it can't) is there an alternative policy available? Like, handing the whole issue to the UN, presenting Bush and Cheney before the War Crimes Court at the Hague, apologizing profusely to the world, and getting the heck out of there?

I'm expecting some firm disagreements with that last paragraph, folks. Please don't disappoint me.


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