Open thread: Backbone Awards

I know we'd all like to think that somehow we bought the Democratic party a backbone. After all, they're talking the talk right now. But are they really walking the walk? In some ways, yes. Some ways, not really. I can think of quite a few Democrats who've actually acted like Democrats lately, and I feel that we need to give them some backup. I feel that even a few Republicans have sounded like true conservatives, and am open to the possibility of honoring them as well.
One thing I believe we should do is continue to hold their feet to the fire. We must keep them honest, so to speak. That means staying involved and doing those little things at the grassroots level that remind them that we're here and as long as they stay true to their principals, we'll be there for them. And if they don't, we'll do what we can to elect someone else. A big part of the Dean campaign's message was that we the people are ultimately responsible for our government. We can go all check-n-balance on them if we want; we just don't bother to do it most of the time. We have the power if we use it collectively. So it's very important to stay involved in some way.
What I'd like to do with the DN Backbone Award is follow it up with some action. It would be simple, like writing a supportive letter, calling a radio show, or making a small donation. Anything that we can all do as a group... I'm opening this thread so that you can help us figure out what action to take. This is a democracy, so majority rules. Also, nominate an official - regardless of party affiliation - for the Backbone award.


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