only $587 left to go!

via the oblog, an excerpt from Dean's letter to supporters:

But before we can take the next step, we must ensure that Dean for America has the funds to shutdown its operation in a professional manner. As of today there is a $400,000 debt owed by the Dean for America campaign for expenses incurred in the last thirty days. Most of these expenses are to small-businessmen, printers who created brochures, yard signs and stationery, family restaurants who provided gallons of coffee and thousands of doughnuts for volunteers, and local merchants who provided buses, microphones and staging equipment.
Our movement will continue. Although I am not yet sure in what form, I promise that you will be the first to know. You have made this all possible and together we will continue the change we have already ignited not just in the Democratic Party, but in the American political process. You are someone I want on my side. I hope you will be there.

Note that Dean is explicitly affirming that there will indeed be a next step beyond the DFA Presidential campaign. To guarantee the viability of the next step, then, we need to make sure that our fledgling movement isn't held back. We're so close to our goal of $40,000 - less than $600 away. Please, donate whatever you can, every $10 or $20 will make a significant difference.

And note that despite rumors to the contrary, there's NO indication that Dean won't still need us to VOTE DEAN and continue the delegate campaqign. Delegates at the national convention will be the currency with which DFA v2.0 buys the clout we will need for lasting change to the political process.

But before we can take a step forward, we need to erase this step back. I don't regret a single penny of the donations I've made to this campaign. It's been about hope, about optimism, not anger and resentment. It's been an investment in the future of the country I love, for the sake of the next generation of Americans like my 2yr old daughter. We need to respond to this appeal because it continues that dream.


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