do not endorse!

I am pleased at this report that Dean will cease campaigning, but remain in the race. I think Dean should at the very least take advantage of the impending Hawai'i primary to get some well-deserved sunshine :) but it remains essential that Dean supporters are not denied the occassion to vote for the man who has transformed politics and given us hope again that we, the people, have the power.

This means however that Dean MUST NOT ENDORSE EDWARDS. Doing so means, vote for edwards, which we must not do. Edwards cannot win the nomination, as Kerry still maintains the momentum of the compressed primary schedule. Edwards, with less money, less delegates, and less overall finishes than Dean in the primaries so far, remains a weaker candidate whose entire identity is the "anti-Kerry". But that's not enough. I respect that Dean thinks Edwards is a better candidate, but he's wrong. Edwards is weaker against Bush and that's the sole remaining goal.

We Deaniacs should support Dean. Not Edwards. And I hope Dean doesn't forget that until the nomination is over, he's still the only anti-Kerry that matters.

UPDATE: Ryan Lizza argues that there's a real potential for Deaniacs to defect:

The other potential source of support is Dean voters, now that their candidate is dropping out. The exit polls show that former Dean supporters split about evenly between Kerry and Edwards, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the remaining Dean voters out there are the Kool-Aid drinking core. These people hate Kerry, and judging by the Dean blogs they see Edwards as an acceptable outsider to take up the Dean banner. Many seem ready to throw their support to the North Carolina senator.

But he's mistaken if he thinks the "Kool Aid" core are the ones who will swap to Edwards. Most of the "Kool Aid Core" will take the opportunity that Dean has given them to cast their vote for Dean (by remaining on the ballot). That's the only route towards ensuring that the Deanism phenomenon maintains its currency in terms of clout. If we get absorbed into Edwards, then we are diluted and lost.


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