Dean Grassroots unity

The following message is courtesy of Randy Foote in LA:

I believe that our primary task should be to hold together the Dean supporters during the time that Giv Dean feels it necessary to remain out of the fray (for very good political and personal reasons). It is not a time to create new groups with new agendas, such as CFA.

This is why people from across the country have come together to sign onto the Unity Statement, agreeing to hold together on what Gov Dean outlined on his withdrawal.

(1) We are UNITED in working to send as many delegates pledged to Dean as possible to the Democratic Convention.

(2) We are UNITED in the need to create a movement to advocate for the principles articulated by Howard Dean.

(3) We are UNITED to work together in coalition with a broad range of groups to oust George Bush in 2004.

Dean Unity is one first step toward holding together the hundreds of thousand of people who joined in support of Gov. Dean. It is not a structured organization; rather we hope to bring together and facilitate the efforts of the many kinds of groups that emerged from the grassroots to support Gov Dean and all that he stood for.

We are continuing to sign on groups, and we hope that this will show the nation (and the Dean Nation) that the Dean Movement is still very much alive, and that we will all be an integral part of American politics through November and well beyond.

To sign on with your local group, please go to:

I know that there are a number of other grassroots effort to coordinate resources out there. Share links in the comment thread below!

I'd like to note publicly that Change For America is going to be increasingly important, due to the concentration of technical and political talent under one roof. It doesn't mean that they are seeking some kind of supremacy, it just means that we have in CFA a centralized resource which any Dean grassroots organization can tap into.


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