Will Nader run if Dean runs? PROBABLY.

thus spake the snake in the garden:

"Dean's record as governor is nothing to shout about," Mr. Nader says, noting that his preference would be Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

But Mr. Nader waxes on about how preferable Mr. Dean is to President Bush. In 2000 the consumer advocate suggested there was little difference between candidates Al Gore and Mr. Bush.

"Unlike most of the other candidates," Mr. Nader says, the Vermont governor "is not compromised by votes for the Patriot Act or for the Iraqi war resolution."

Let's take note of several things. First, Nader will choose to run irrespective of how much you or I hate him. This means he does hold a real influence over the presidential race, by virtue of (not just in spite of) his 2000 spoiler role. The fear of a Nader run is a tangible one that should give all Anybody-But-Bush voters serious pause. Nader has political capital and he will use it - he would be a fool not to use the Fear Of Nader to the advantage of his party.

Second, Nader's preference in terms of issues is closer to Kucinich. As such, Nader may simply be exerting pressure on the field, such that Dean gets the nomination rather than a more "compromised" candidate such as Kerry or Gephardt. While this works to our favor (in that some ABB voters may support Dean out of Fear of Nader), we cannot let temporary convenience blind us to the threat from the left flank. DON'T take Nader at his word on this, especially if you are a Dean supporter - because avoiding the Nader stigma is essential to preserving our fledgling grass-roots campaign, the like of which has never been seen in American politics (and which represents a sea change in our democracy itself). The stakes are too high. If we get lazy and try to capitalize on Fear of Nader, and then Dean wins the nomination, and Nader subsequently spoils the 2004 race by entering anyway, we are tainted as much as Nader is. This will undermine everything we have worked to achieve.

It is critical that we denounce Nader and ignore his statements that seem to support Dean.


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