Michael Reagan is bad at math

Isn't it amazing how all these conservative ideolouges all claim to know the "real story" ? Case in point, Michael Reagan, son of the former President and cloned angry conservative radio talk show host #34,725, who offers up his theory about Dean's VP pick:

Despite talk about Howard Dean asking Hillary Clinton to be his running mate in November, it’s not going to happen, says top talk radio host and nationally syndicated columnist Michael Reagan.

"As far as Dean’s probable pick for his running mate, I’m willing to bet that he’ll choose Tennessee congressman Harold Ford," Reagan told NewsMax.

"Right now Dean is desperate to win the black vote in the South, and Ford is one of the most attractive and articulate people in politics today."

Let's just say that the headline for this link on FARK is "Conservative thinks that Howard Dean wants a running mate who can't legally be vice president until May 2005." 'Nuff said. The intriguing thing here though is that conservative talk show hosts are thinking about Dean's VP picks. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad one from a strategy perspective.


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