yeah, THAT liberal press!

The Daily Howler's Bob Somerby takes a look at the Vietnam records of Bush and Dean through a Gore-lens. Oh yeah, that liberal press - they really are mean mean mean to those poor, mistreated, so-called conservatives:
KRISTOF LOCATES A LIAR: In his own puzzling profile of Bush’s Guard service, Kristof showed mastery of one press corps rule—all reports in Campaign 2000 must reflect poorly on Gore. Remember, Kristof was reporting on Bush, not on Gore. But he managed to sound a key press corps theme. Despite the problems in Bush’s record, it turned out that Gore was the liar:
KRISTOF (7/11/00): Mr. Gore was always a serious, ambitious young man struggling with deep moral questions and, in the case of Vietnam, with deeply practical calculations about how his actions would play in his father’s re-election campaign. Some critics have also suggested that in later years he embellished his Vietnam role for his own political career.
Read the rest here. Thanks to Dean National Jon Emery for the link.


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