Dean For America Responds To RNC Attack

From Dean for America...

November 23, 2003

Dean For America Responds To RNC Attack

Thousands of supporters contribute to air response; fundraising drive continues

DES MOINES--Fueled by donations from more than 5000 supporters, Dean for America will hit the airwaves on Monday, November 24 in Iowa to respond to the first attack ad being aired by the RNC which question Governor Dean's commitment to fighting the war on terror.

We must "show that we're not going to allow the administration to wage an air war on the American people," Campaign Manager Joe Trippi said last Friday in an email to supporters, asking for help in raising $360,000 by Tuesday at midnight in order to fund a response to the attack. That's "$5000 for every hour they are going to lie to the American people with their ad," the email read.

Dean for America will begin airing an ad of its own beginning Monday in Iowa, setting the record straight about the administration's rush to war. The script of the 30 second ad, titled "Misled," is below. [Update (Matt): Removed for formatting reasons]

The RNC ad shows George W. Bush giving his last State of the Union address, and then the screen flashes with the words that "some are now attacking the president for attacking the terrorists." The ad urges viewers to tell Congress "to support the president's policy of pre-emptive self defense."

In the email to supporters, Trippi wrote: "This ad is about distorting Howard Dean's opposition to the war with Iraq. They say that those who opposed the war oppose defending our nation from terrorism. But the war in Iraq had nothing to do with al Qaeda or the war on terrorism. The president's misleading statements -- and the war they led us into -- are making us less safe."

"You have built the only campaign strong enough to take on George Bush and the $200 million he is raising to destroy his Democratic opponent. Help us prepare for battle. Contribute whatever you can afford, and reach out to others and ask them to join us. Our country is at stake," the email continues.

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[Update (Matt): The ad can now be viewed by clicking here or on the link above.]


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