Backbone Award!

Another fascinating week of events during fascinating times is winding down in this new millenium. So it's that time again to reflect on the people we'd like to carry on our shoulders--or NAIL TO A CROSS--backbone.jpg as we gather with the throngs of people who are so hungry for a leader with backbone.

Last week we had a pretty good consensus on US Senators Harry Reid D-NV (backbone) and Zell Miller "D"-GA (Jellyroll). Who was standing tall this past week? Who was washing up on the beach in the form of an slimy, jelly-like blob?

Let's see...there was the Massachusettes Supreme Court on Gay Marriage, Wesley Clark's gutsy FOX tirade, Lieberman's AARP waffle, Soros, Vidal...

Let us know who you think should get credit where credit is due.


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