Texas Rangers Reports

Good morning everybody! (yea, I know it's the middle of the afternoon but cut me some slack here okay?) I wanted to direct everyone over to the shiny, spankin' new BlogForTexas.com, where Texans have started posting their stories about our trip to Iowa over the weekend. Be sure to check out the photo gallery, as more images are being added every few hours.
I've gotta say that was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. Iowans are an amazing, progressive bunch of people, and they were incredibly hospitable. They also take their "first in the nation" responsibility very seriously. We really feel that we did some great work over the weekend, and we can't stop now.
As you can see, we're down to the last bat. Right now we stand at $14,127,460 with 178,135 contributors with less than ten hours to go. I know we can do this. I believe in Howard Dean, I believe in this community, and I believe we have the power to take our country back. Now is the time to prove once and for all that nothing can stop us. Not Wesley Clark, not the special interests, and not George W Bush and his cronies. As Trippi says, "LEAVE NO COUCH CUSHION UNTURNED." I'm gonna take another swing at the bat. I'm asking everyone here at Dean Nation to do the same. We aren't the number one Dean Team for nothing. We're number one because we are generous, caring, passionate, motivated individuals who've come together for a common cause. Remember, as individuals it's difficult to affect change, but together, we are powerful! SWING BATTER BATTER, SWING!


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