Deanspace gets Slashdotted

So... this is what brought down the O-blog a little while ago (hat tip to Jeff in WA). =) They got Slashdotted! Check out the thread about Deanspace. It seems the Slashdot community is pretty impressed with the idea. As one poster over there said:
I wonder if RMS thought he'd see a US presidential candidate releasing stuff under the GPL when he founded GNU 20 years ago!
That's a gnu-candidate thank you.

For those unfamiliar with Slashdot, they are probably the biggest online tech community. They've been around for ages, and even pioneered their own CMS (content management system, which is what Deanspace is) called Slash. They are a one stop source for all news that is geek, and they have a very vibrant community. Check 'em out.


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