Beantown is Deantown

Reports are coming in from today's Boston rally, and by all accounts it was a raging success. Yahoo already has a report online (linked above), and the O-blog has posted a transcript of Dean's remarks. Here's the intro:
“We’re here today to talk about what’s at stake in this election. Ten months from today, we’ll be coming back to Boston, not just to decide who will be the Democratic nominee, but to determine the future of our democracy.
230 years ago, right here in Boston, 50 dedicated patriots known as the Sons of Liberty boarded three ships in Boston Harbor to protest a government more concerned with moneyed interests than its own people. Those 50 patriots believed that they had the power and the duty to change their government.
What they did that night became known as the Boston Tea Party. It marked the beginning of the first great grassroots campaign in our history. Their action -- which they took together -- set this country on the path to freedom and democracy. And a King named George -- who had forgotten his own people in favor of special interests -- was replaced by a government of, by and for the people.
The people who boarded those ships in Boston Harbor joined together in common action to create a free society based on individual liberties. And through that action, they changed the course of history.
Democracy and freedom, forged through action. That is the story of America.

The crowd was estimated by a Boston ranger on duty as between 4,000-5,000 - and that was just inside the park. Onsite reports from Deaniacs say that there were people lining the streets well beyond the area that was cordoned off. If you want to see some pictures, Deaniac Donglai has posted his gallery here, and DFA photographer John Pettit's pictures are here. Stay tuned, as I'm sure DN contributor Amanda will be posting her account of today's rally. And don't forget to take a swing at the bat today!

update: The rally's made the front page of the Boston Globe online (great pic there), and they are running the AP article. Boston's Channel 7 also covers the event and they've got a short video clip online. Oh, and C-SPAN has the video archived here.


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