New additions to the Deanroll

We've got a few additions to the Deanroll this week.
First, there's Expats4Dean. They're working hard to publicise Dean meetups being held abroad, and I'm told they'll be helping Americans abroad obtain their absentee ballots.
Second, we've got a Song for America. You might have seen Bryan's post over on the O-Blog comments section, but if not, there you go. Oh, and there's also People-Powered Howard, sent in by Marcus Ehrlander.
And I was cleaning out my email box (currently I have over 1100 messages in there) and found an old email with a link I need to plug. Please allow me to apologize for not posting One Student, One Vote for Dean earlier than today.
Next, I'd like to spotlight the First Primary Blog. They bill themselves as "news, views, rumors, humor and analysis ahead of the nations first primary".
We've also got The Moderate Republican, who is affiliated with Republicans for Dean.
And now for a humorous link. "America's Best Christian", Betty Bowers, is hawking Dean merchandise on her site.
I'll update the template over the weekend to include all these links. If anyone else has a new Dean site, leave it in the comments section.

update: ARG! Too much email... Here's one more: Seniors for Dean.


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