$1 Million is close enough to touch

The campaign has raised $981,000 dollars. Only $20,000 more to go! If every visitor to Dean Nation visiting the site right this moment gave $25 we could push it over the top.

Remember Bush raked in $1M by hosting a $500 a plate dinner. But the grassroots numbered 17,000. Bush might raise 20 times as much money but we have 20 times as many people who speak with one voice - the voice of Howard Dean - and who want their country back.

Be a part of the Perfect Storm. Join the 5,000 in Portland, the 3,500 in San Antonio and Chicago, the 15,000 in Settle. Join the tens of thousands who are rallying with Dean right now in New York! Give what you can. Dean Nation, we can do this! we must do this! and we will!


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