Boston Globe profiles the political blogosphere; focuses on Dean in Kerry's backyard

Lots of pro-Dean bloggers are featured in this article which ran on the front page of today's Boston Globe. You'll see some familiar names and some familiar themes, and Globe reporter Joanna Weiss does a good job of summing up how blogs are influencing politics out in the real world. She also mentions that the other candidates haven't been as quick to embrace the power of blogs.

One thing I remember mentioning to her is that I think there's still room for the other candidates to build a community of online supporters. Witness John Kerry, who's finally gotten hip to meetup and now has over 7500 supporters signed on. Also, Wesley Clark supporters are getting a good response over at However, I also feel that they're facing an uphill climb and a learning curve. If the rest of the contenders don't jump in the water soon, they might miss the boat. Do you think there's room for more candidates in the blogosphere? If so, is it possible for them to garner the kind of support that Trippi has orchestrated for Dean? Is it too late for them already?


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