TNR gives Dean an "A" on Iraq - so much for weakness in foreign policy

Sure, we've all got our gripes with TNR's grading system sometimes, so we've got to give them props when we believe they get it right. John Judis searched the websites of all the Democratic candidates with the intention of finding foreign policy statements. He notes that only Dean, Lieberman, and Edwards have foreign policy sections on their websites. He observes that the Democrats would be better served if they all brushed up on foreign policy, and offers this reasoning:

Why is it, one must ask, that in a recent Washington Post/ABC poll a quarter of Americans think that Iraq used WMD against American troops in the war? It's because in the absence of any discussion by the Democrats, the Republicans and the Bush administration are able to operate in an informational cocoon of prejudice, myth, and plain nonsense that they have spun. And as the Democrats should have learned in November 2002, foreign policy issues are not going to go away. They can either make their positions clear, or leave the issue to the Republicans to define.

I couldn't agree more, John. Thank you for the fair review. I'd also like to direct everyone to Dean's statements on national security, homeland security, and his June 17 statement about Iraq.


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