RNC Attacks Dean

Good news! The top story on the Republican National Committee website is the following:
Ed Gillespie, Senior Advisor to the Republican National Committee (RNC), today issued the following statement:

“Democratic presidential candidates continue to find political expedience in appealing to the anti-war activists in their party. Howard Dean positions his opposition to the war as an act of ‘political courage’ and says he was ‘right all along,’ and other presidential contenders are following his lead.

“But what are they ‘right all along’ about? Their policy is this: when presented with the widely shared conclusion that a dictator with a history of using weapons of mass destruction is developing more, in defiance of an international order, the United States will not act until after such weapons have been used - perhaps, even, against us.

“That is a policy destined for failure, or worse, tragedy.”
Pair this with Rush Limbaugh's near obsession with Dean and you might start to think the Republicons are scared of having to run their frat boy against the Doctor.


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