Governor Howard Dean M.D. Statement on Passage of Medicare Prescription Bills

From the Dean Campaign...

June 27, 2003

Governor Howard Dean M.D. Statement on Passage of Medicare Prescription Bills

“I am disappointed that attempts by Democrats to improve legislation to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare have been defeated.

“The bills that have emerged from the House and Senate are flawed, driven by Republican ideology intent on privatizing Medicare. The Senate bill, though better, will only get worse in conference with the House, where Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas has made clear that the real Republican agenda is to ‘end Medicare as we know it.’

“America’s seniors like Medicare as they know it. They want it improved not drastically altered and left to whims of the healthcare marketplace.

“Both bills fragment the buying power of the 40 million seniors on Medicare and relinquish the leverage that would force drug companies to reduce their costs.

“They reflect a false premise that private health plans are better and more cost effective at delivering health insurance to seniors. History shows that privatizing Medicare forces seniors to face increased out-of-pocket costs, limited choices of plans and doctors, and a confusing, complicated benefit structure.

“Private plans provided coverage to seniors before Medicare – and only the healthiest and wealthiest seniors were insured. Republicans seem determined to return America to that same flawed system.

“It is essential to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. I appreciate that this desire has led many Democrats in the Senate to support the bill. Creating this benefit must be a top priority for our elected officials.

“However, because these bills move Medicare towards privatization, I cannot support them. We can and must do better.”


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