Gallup Mapping Dean's March

In the latest Gallup Poll of registered Democratic voters, there's still a wide-open primary, but a few trends are developing. Dean & Graham are at 7% for the first time. Lieberman got a bounce, but has been flat for a few months, as has Edwards. Gephardt and Kerry are not showing any signs of momentum or growth.

For Dean, it's not just the movement in national recognition, Graham has about the same trajectory. It's this in combination with his netroots & grassroots base, his fundraising, and his strong polling in the first two primaries.

Dean has arrived. He's a top-tier candidate for the Democratic nomination. In the words of the WaPost CW:

Dean has improved his position greatly in recent weeks and months. Once considered a second-tier candidate, down there with the Sharpton, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Sen. Bob Graham and former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Dean now must be considered a first-tier candidate.

He is polling second in New Hampshire and third in Iowa, where he has just launched a risky and bold advertising strategy aimed at shoring up his status as a front-runner.

No doubt about it, Dean is legit. Whether he will stay legit remains to be seen.

It's only just begun. In the coming few months, Dean will hit double-digits in the national polling. Dean's come a long way since a few of us here were arguing about Dean's chances in early 2002; but now he's on the cusp and it's time to step it up-- to do the real work.


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