The Digital Insurgency

There's a long and great article on the Technology Reports website about Dean. Excerpt:
Campaign 2004 is quickly shaping up to be our very first digital presidential showdown since the birth of our republic - and the next resident of the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave could well be America’s first Digital President.
While many of us are asleep at night, deep within the vast expanse of cyberspace, there is a bona fide digital insurgency going on – being led by candidate Howard Dean, onetime governor of one of America’s smallest states, Vermont – lightyears, it seems, from the techno-dynamos of Silicon Valley or Alley. Dean, a physician, is running an insurgent campaign modeled somewhat on that of Jimmy Carter, himself a governor of another state not well known technological prowess, who managed to built a grassroots insurgency that took him all the way to the White House.


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