Dean tops $6million... let's keep at it!

From the official Dean Blog, "As of last Sunday morning, June 22, the Dean for America campaign had raised $3.2 million in this quarter. Since that morning--beginning with the Sunday Meet The Press interview, through our announcement of candidacy, continuing with our victory in the MoveOn primary and through Saturday June 28th--we have experienced an unprecedented surge in contributions, and have now crossed the $6 million dollar mark."

Let's get Dean to the $6.5 million mark! We have just under 2 days left before the reporting period ends at midnight on June 30th. Do your part!

1. Make a contribution yourself - CLICK HERE
2. Email everyone you know and ask them to give $25.
3. If you run a blog or a Dean support group website, join Dean Nation's All-Star Team and link to our donation page!

Why not shock the world and hit the $7,000,000 mark? Kerry, Edwards and Gephardt better hope they reach what they raised last quarter... a candidate unable to build on past successes is a candidate with no momentum. Governor Dean has big mo and is certain to capture an even brighter spotlight with these kinds of numbers!


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