Dean supporters at Apple WWDC

Mike Silverman writes:

Apple's new g5 computers are incredible machines. Physically beautiful, and capable of sustained 150 FPS at 1024x768 playing Unreal Tourney 2003. In other news, Howard Dean supporters were politicking outside the main entrance to the convention hall. They were quite creative in using Mac-themes in their signs: "Re-boot America" and "Does Bush give you a kernel panic?" were two I can remember.

How cool is that? Hey you Deaniacs out there who were at eth WWDC, please send us photos to share!

It occurs to me that Apple is a natural target for Dean supporters - after all, Al Gore is on the board of directors. Wouldn't it be interesting if Dean were to feature in an Apple "Switch" ad?

use the open thread to share your suggestions on cross-brand marketing between Apple and Dean for America!


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